We aim to understand relationships between processing, structure and function in materials constructed from ‘soft building blocks‘. These relationships will help us design the functional materials required for a rapidly changing world.
Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels.com

Things we are interested in:

  • Polymers: Blends, Solutions, Thermodynamics, Conformation, Dynamics
  • Surfactants: Self-Assembly, Interfacial Behaviour
  • Hydrogels: Mesostructure, Mechanical Behaviour, Transport Phenomena, Swelling
  • Droplets: Sprays, Internal Flows, Drying
  • Small-Angle Scattering (X-ray and Neutron)
  • Rheology
  • Microfluidics
  • Acoustic Levitation

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research highlight

We resolve the thermodynamics of a highly interacting and challenging polymer blend with TOF-SANS. Temperature jump experiments within the single phase region yield near equilibrium profiles, described by the RPA, at intermediate temperatures allowing rapid and robust determination of blend interaction parameter and its temperature dependence.

Macromolecules 2023, 56, 14, 5619–5627

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